Task #1: Your First iPhone App

To complete this task, read through Chapter 3 of the textbook and follow the instructions there to complete the Hello World app. I have allocated enough time for each task to allow you to read carefully through the textbook. Although it is possible to rush through the task by skipping over the explanatory text, you will be cheating yourself of valuable knowledge that will help you in the long run. Even if some of the technicalities don’t make sense to you, have faith: you will understand this stuff by the end of the course. In short: take your time and read carefully.

Note that there is an error in the textbook: on page 28, under Creating a Project, you are told to look for the Xcode application in /Developer/Applications, whereas the current version of Xcode (installed from the App Store) lives in /Applications. Of course, once you’ve located the Xcode application, you should drag it into the dock for easy access. You will probably find lots more minor differences like this between what’s in the book and what you see in Xcode. Given how quickly this technology is evolving, such discrepancies are inevitable.

With these first few programming tasks, there may be a temptation to download and submit all or part of a solution from the web. Later, when you get into your actual, original project, I of course encourage you to incorporate solutions you find on the web, and to share them with others via the blog. But in the meantime I ask you to put in your email a version of the W&L Honor Pledge, stating that you did not use any resources beyond the instructions in the textbook to complete the assignment.

If you want to test your app on your iOS device, you’ll have to register as an iPhone developer, as described in Chapter 2, which costs $99. Or we can provision your device using my developer certificate (which will take longer). Again, to have the most freedom and ease-of-use, I suggest you sign up as a developer. Because we will be working in teams for the final project, you can also pool your resources and have one developer license per team.

As soon as you’re done, zip up your HelloWorld folder and email it to me as an attachment.