
Some software I’ve written, all released under the Gnu Lesser General Public License:

  • MSPPG – Multiwii Serial Protocol Parser Generator
  • GooMPy – Google Maps for Python
  • PyGCSUDP – Python API and joystick example for OpenPilot Ground Control Station UDP connection: fly OP with a joystick!
  • Sensor Fusion – A simple Matlab example of sensor fusion using a Kalman filter
  • PyMaxBotix – Cross-platform Python package for reading from MaxBotix ulatrasonic distance sensors
  • PyPX4Flow – Cross-platform Python package for reading from the PX4Flow optical-flow sensor
  • PyQuadSim – Cross-platform, open-source quadcopter simulator in Python
  • PyQuadStick – Cross-platform, open-source Python classes for quadcopter flight-simulator control
  • BreezyLidar – Simple, efficient Lidar access in Python and C++
  • BreezySLAM – Simple, efficient SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) in Python, Matlab, C++, and Java
  • RoverPylot – Pilot the Brookstone Rover 2.0 and Rover Revolution from Python
  • NeatoPylot – Pilot the Neato XV-11 from Python
  • AR.Drone AutoPylot – Pilot the Parrot AR.Drone (1.0 and 2.0) from Python (or Matlab or C)
  • OpenCV Python hacks – Python optical flow, Kalman filter, object tracking, etc. using OpenCV
  • CA – Cellular Automata in Matlab
  • QuagentClient – API for the Quake Agents platform in Python, Matlab/Octave, and XSB Prolog
  • PECON – Parallel Evaluation CONtroller for Matlab – evaluate functions in parallel on your multicore PC or Unix cluster
  • SNARLI – Simple Neural-net ARchitecture LIbrary in Java
  • JLinAlg – Andreas Keilhauer‘s Java package for (abstract) linear algebra, used by SNARLI. I’m a JLinAlg developer.
  • KDTree – Java and C# class library for KD-tree search (exact and nearest-neighbor)
  • ANOVA – Flexible multi-factor Analysis of Variance for Unix systems
  • BW – Blind Watchmaker program in Matlab
  • SOM – Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Map in Matlab
  • GDDEMO – Gradient Descent demonstration in Matlab
  • pykbhit – A platform-independent implementation of keyboard polling in Python